American Gas - Data & Map Book

$ 297.50 $ 595.00
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PRESALE SPECIAL!! – Delivery expected middle of March 2024


After a 10-year hiatus, our beloved "Map Book" is back! Bigger and more comprehensive than ever before, with 700 pages containing 200 beautifully rendered maps and thousands of data tables and charts. American Gas represents the largest and most ambitious effort to date to visually represent natural gas data and maps.

American Gas is designed to serve as the standard annual reference guide for the natural gas industry. We trust that you will find this new edition of the "Map Book" invaluable in your daily business activities.

American Gas follows the process for the natural gas industry, beginning with a section that covers data on historical production trends by basins, followed by midstream gathering companies and major gas processing plants. The data journey continues through transmission pipelines, gas storage facilities, and LNG export terminals. It culminates with historical trends within internal US markets, including a brief examination of gas consumption in major markets.

This 9th edition includes:

  • 16 Gas Producing Basins
  • 32 Midstream & Gas Gathering Companies
  • 50 Gas Processing Plants
  • 128 Interstate-Regulated Gas Pipelines and Storage Facilities
  • 15 Intrastate Pipelines
  • 7 LNG Export Terminals
  • 43 Regional Gas Consumption Markets
