Midwestern Gas Transmission Company submits tariff filing per 154.203: NAESB 2.0 Modification II to be effective 4/1/2013 under RP13-530 Filing Type : 580
03/14/201320111101-0031 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 11/01/2011 Ms. Kimberly D. Sose, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, NE, Room 1A Washington, DC 20426 GFQPr '~( & - tA, p)QQ "'fy RE: Opposition to the Texas Eastern I Algonquin Gas Transmission Pipe(one, New Jersey-New York Expansion Project, LLC Dockel No. CP11-56-I4l, ~ 0-) 7-000 Dear Ms. Bose: i'L(;(j& -, ij-'jr''fC(4r'(Fag ()j. y lam writing to urge you to deny the necessity of convenience of Spectra Energy and associated companies ill Mijn use Oirf "NJ NY Expansion Project and the construction of the proposed Specks pipefine on the basis of the fol(owing reasons: 1. The pipeline is a direct threat to the public health, safety, properly values and economy of eastern New Jersey and New York City, especially to the residents, businesses, gageries, schools, religious and cultural institutions of downtown Manhattan, Staten island, and Jersey City. Should the pipeline or vault explode on the Manhattan side of the Hudson, the potential fire radius would encompass three historic districts, including: 10 irreplaceable Landmarked buildings; 10 schools or dayc are centers; 8 playgrounds, including a large playground on the pier directly adjacent to the Sanitation Pier (the entry point of the pipeline); 13 churches or religious institutions; more than 28 art and cultural centers (including the Ground Zero Museum Workshop); the Hudson River Greenway, shoreline and West Side Highway; more than 38 restaurants; 13 nightclubs; countless boutiques, hotels, businesses and residences. The proposed 17' x 26' vault is sited on the same block as the soon-to-be-built Whitney Downtown, as well as the massively popular High Line, wfrich attracts 2 in Ygorr antral visitors and hes been credited with bringing $2 billion in private investment, 12,000 new jobs, and nearly 29 major new developments to New York's economy. The pipeline and vault will cross a newly-conskucted major water main and valve which runs along West Street, creating the potential to disable the water supply that would be needed to fight the fires caused by an explosion. The pipeline's metering and reading stations will emit airborne carcinogens, which will wait over downtown Manhattan, Staten (stand, and Brooklyn. LUGs (Lost Unaccounted Gas) are esfimated at an average of 3 to 5% with as much as 12 to 20% to be lost on the western side of the Hudson River. 2. The pipeline is a larger threat to the public health, safety, property values and economy of all regions of the Marcellus shale, including upstate New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia and other areas, due to the inevitability that it will increase the demand for hydrofracturing. The proposed pipeline will not bring clean energy to New York Cily or other regions. Asstated in the pipeline application, this pipeline would bring frecked Marcellus shale gas to market. This would encourage further production in gas fields upwind and upstream from the densely populated metro area, with ruinous impact