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Stay informed and empowered with our latest insights on energy data. Discover trends, innovations, and practical tips to make the most of your energy resources.

Gain access to the largest and most complete database on energy infrastructure assets in North America. The Energy DataLink database contains asset ownership, production records, processing capacities, physical locations, planned projects, acquisition records and much more.

Rextag's Energy DataLink provides easy online access to Rextag's extensive GIS databases on energy assets. Simply select the type of data you want to see to view the information you'd like to find.

If you are looking for more information about energy companies, their assets, and energy deals, please, contact our sales office mapping@hartenergy.com, Tel. 619-349-4970 or SCHEDULE A DEMO to learn how Rextag can help you leverage energy data for your business.

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Natural Gas Demand: Trends, Challenges, and the Path Forward


Explore the trends, challenges, and future of natural gas demand in this insightful and easy-to-read article.


Explore the trends, challenges, and future of natural gas demand in this insightful and easy-to-read article.


Explore the impact of OPEC's production cuts on global oil prices, economic effects, and industry responses in this comprehensive analysis.


As the world tackles climate change and energy security issues, the natural gas industry finds itself at a pivotal point.